New Moon in Taurus / Earth Day Oracle Reading
/Deck used: Earth Magic by Steven D. Farmer
Happy New Moon and Earth Day! Enjoy your reading.
New Moon ~ Promise:
Remember to set your intentions, because the new moon is a time for a clean slate every month. What intentions do you hold for the planet, your loved ones, and yourself right now? I am wishing you health and prosperity.
Tsunami ~ Wake-up Call:
This card has come up repeatedly in readings lately, always with the same energy. The current planetary events are serving as a wake-up call for both the collective and in unique ways in our individual lives. It is time for us to evaluate our lives--how we would like to live and how our actions affect others. If you are not happy with your life, now is the time to set intentions on how you would like it to be, and how you can stream your soul’s purpose into the world for the highest good of yourself and others. The time is now, there is no more time to waste!
This card is also a reminder to ask our higher power or spirit guides to assist us in clearing our third eye. There is so much fear and confusion in the world now. Ask to be shown clarity and to be gifted with an accurate perspective of yourself and others.
Rain ~ Purification:
After a little dry spell, it is raining here in the Pacific Northwest right now. This card goes along with the previous two; the new moon is bringing a fresh clear start, and our perception is currently undergoing or requires clearing. As humans are staying indoors, the planet has been healing.
Cave ~ Sanctuary:
So many of us are quarantined inside right now. Is there a way you can make your home feel more comforting? What would your ideal sanctuary look and feel like? You can create your own sacred space in your mind and visit any time you like in meditation. There has been a lot of pressure to use any extra time right now to be productive, however, I’d like to remind you to be easy and loving with yourself. We are all feeling the collective trauma and however you are coping with it is ok.
If you are an essential worker--thank you. Try to carve at least a few minutes a day for self-care. Ask yourself what you need and self-soothe.
Rainbow ~ Blessings:
I asked for a message of hope and this is the card I pulled. After the storm, there is a rainbow. The rainbow has many symbolic meanings in different cultures such as hope, good luck, transition, diversity, acceptance, healing, divinity, and purity.
As I was searching for the symbolism of the rainbow in the Jewish tradition, I stumbled across an interesting quote on the Chabad website, “The prophet Ezekiel described a vision in which he had seen the divine presence ‘like a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, with a corona around it; this was how the glory of G‑d appeared, and I saw it and fell on my face and heard a voice speaking…’” How interesting that the word “corona” was used.
This card is a message that good is coming in the future. After the rain and tsunami move through, we will emerge from our caves and feel the sun on our faces again. Until then, stay healthy my friends.
Kimberly Aliyah