The Spirit Sanctuary Membership

Registration is currently closed and will reopen in 2025

Group Mentorship with your Mediumship Teacher, Kimberly Lakein

Mediumship is an innate human ability that you have access to, if you have the desire.

We will gather for two online meetings per month:

  • 1 class/ Spirit circle for intuitive, psychic and mediumship development - we will sit in the power together, learn and practice mediumship whether you desire to connect to your own loved ones or to read for others

  • 1 Q&A call - ask me anything in this monthly group mentorship/coaching meeting

🌟 Exclusive Offers for Founding Members! 🌟

As a founding member, you’ll receive FREE access to the beta version of our new Mediumship 101 Course! This transformative course, which will soon be offered at a premium price, is yours to experience at no cost.

Includes pre-recorded instructional videos on mediumship development, intuitive and psychic development, healing, grief healing, grief for mediums, depth psychology, shadow work, manifestation, energy healing, magic, witchcraft, and much more to watch at your own pace. 

Bring your questions to our monthly Q&A meeting and cultivate your skills in our monthly spirit circle.


This Program is for You if:

  • You feel a calling to explore your innate mediumistic or intuitive abilities

  • Are curious about mediumship but do not know much about it

  • You have had experiences with spirit communication and want to explore further

  • Are grieving and would like to connect with your loved one firsthand

  • You are feeling lost about your direction in life or life purpose

  • You are on a path of healing and spiritual awakening

  • You feel like something is missing from your life, but don’t know what


This Program Will Help You Experience Three Things:

1) Development of Your Intuitive, Psychic, and Mediumship Abilities

  • through classes and practice circles

2) Healing & Transformation

  • through guided ceremonies, rituals, and shadow work

3) Live Your Life Purpose

  • gain clarity and take tangible steps toward your life purpose by aligning with your heart and soul through inner work and the unfoldment of your intuitive abilities


There will be extras sprinkled in such as:

  • Mediumship practice circle  - you will be able to do multiple readings (one after another) with different partners in breakout rooms. I will be available to meet individually with people during this time for questions, mediumship assessment, or help connecting

  • Mediums hangout social hour

  • Monthly group reading, energy healing, or guided meditation journey

  • Gatherings for witchy sabbats and full or new moon rituals

Join from anywhere and connect with Spirit and like-minded people from the comfort of your own home on our off-social-media online community through Mighty Networks.


Hi! I’m Kimberly. I am passionate about helping people on both sides of the veil and believe that mediumship is a sacred calling. I am a natural-born and highly trained medium who has been actively serving Spirit and developing my mediumship since 2013, for over 10 years, with some of the best mediums in the world. I have high ethical standards and am dedicated to studying and developing my mediumship as a lifelong endeavor.

My passion is teaching mediumship so we can serve the spirit world to the best of our ability; I taught in-person mediumship development before the pandemic started and now offer mentorship fully online. It brings me joy to assist people in unfolding their unique connection to the spirit world and offering support as they navigate and overcome any obstacles that may arise during the healing journey of mediumship development.

With 19 years of experience in health care and as an end-of-life doula, as well as being a depth-oriented grief therapist, I offer education that grounds the spiritual into science by bridging psychotherapy, death and dying, and evidential mediumship.


Spirit Sanctuary Monthly Membership

Registration is now closed until 2025