Whale Spirit Animal Guide and Teacher: What They Want You to Know


Originally written April 20th, 2020, updated April 23, 2023

Whale Spirit Animal Guide and Teacher

Whale is popping up in your awareness to share valuable wisdom with you today--a reminder to surrender and release resistance. 

The whale spirit animal reminds you that the element of water can be invoked anytime, anywhere. 

Water = Ease and flow. Surrender and release. 

Whale’s meditation for you:

Imagine you are in a river, attempting to swim upstream. You are exhausted and frustrated from exerting so much effort, but not getting anywhere! This is what resistance feels like. 

Now, flip over onto your back and allow the water to hold you and gently carry you in the opposite direction. You feel immense relief and weightlessness as the river floats you downstream. Notice the scenery changing around you. Exhale a big sigh of relief and feel your stress melt away. 

Ask your guides to help to clear your energy and feel any thoughts, expectations, or fear energies are swept away and dissolved down into the earth to be transmuted. The water fills your back up with beautiful glowing energy. What is being shown to you? 
Say the following (or your own version):

“I surrender to the flow of the universe. Please, guide me, use me, so that I may be of the highest service to others and awaken to the level of consciousness that I am ready for now. Please help me to release that which I may not know I need to release. Please show me the next steps in a way I understand. With ease and flow, so it is. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

The whale showed me that pain in the body is caused by tensing up and trying to control reality, causing resistance. In 12-step programs, this is referred to as “self-will run riot” and is the premise of the third step. I am in 12-step and a core teaching of the program is to surrender to our higher power (as we have defined it for ourselves… which may be the universe, spirit, god/goddess, nature, or something entirely different...) The steps are a framework for spiritual awakening and can be used by anyone, regardless of whether you have an addiction or not. 

The whale is the epitome of chill. Allow yourself to feel the whale’s energy--floating, no resistance, slow, relaxed, serene.


Are you afraid of what will happen if you let go? Afraid no one will be there to catch you? 

Know that your spiritual team (made up of your higher power, spirit guides, passed loved ones, ancestors, spirit animals, angels, etc) has the best intentions for you. You will be loved, supported, and held if you let go of trying to control everything by yourself. 

It is us who create self-limiting beliefs...who hang on to things, people, circumstances, and thoughts that are not in our highest good. Our spiritual team knows better. They can see the bigger picture and the fastest, easiest way to our internal and external well-being. We sometimes need to loosen the grip on our vision of how things should be in our life to allow our higher power to bring us something so much bigger and better than we could have imagined, manifesting in a way that our human minds could not have come up with. 

Ask to be shown what to do...the next steps to take. Trust. Learning to follow your intuition involves trusting yourself, (your spirit/soul/higher-self) and your higher power. You define what that is...whether it is God, Goddess, Spirit, the universe, the creator, spirit guides, nature, the power of love, spirit team, etc. 

When we are in resistance, everything is more difficult. 

The whale’s message and lesson is this:

During times of uncertainty, it is human nature to try to control. Paradoxically, the solution lies in surrender and acceptance.

Examples of trying to control are:

Forcing outcomes of what you think will be best

Trying to control the behavior of people, places, and things around you

Pursuing a path with an inflexible vision

…and these things are not working out. 

It seems like you are blocked every step of the way. Things are not coming easily. All is a struggle and you feel stressed and agitated. 

How to let go?

When you do your meditation or journey with the whale, just let yourself float, and instead of thinking of all the things you need to do, of all your doubts, fears, and expectations of yourself and others, let that go for a minute. 

Create space. Spaciousness. Instead of defining your reality by thinking of all the things that have to be done, of all your busy thoughts...what if you let it go and just play with it for a second….what if none of that was right? What if you are supposed to take a different direction today? 

As you create the spaciousness, you let go. You detach from perspectives and rise to a higher state of consciousness. And maybe you are on the right track. And if you are, you will get confirmation. If you aren’t, you might be surprised by the information that comes in. When you release and are floating in a space of no-thingness you create the space for inspiration to come to you. 

As you are floating down the river, you can start asking to receive. This is a way of embracing the divine feminine/yin element of receiving, instead of being overly connected to masculine energy and impressing our will when it may not be in our highest good. Instead, we stop, we release all of our ideas, and open to receive guidance on the next steps, and actions, we should take to pursue our destiny. Our higher power/spiritual team wants for us what is in our highest good and the highest good for all. 

A word about divine masculine and feminine energies:

They do not have to be attributed to gender. They are archetypal energies that anyone has access to, regardless of their sex and gender identity. Masculine and feminine energy can also be thought of as yin and yang. Everyone has both energies and we want to be in balance. Some people have a proclivity for one over the other. Sometimes there may be a need to cultivate more yin or yang depending on if there is too much emphasis on the opposite energy. 

The Unconscious

The whale guides you to connect with your personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. The whale takes us deep to the depths of the ocean.

Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and founder of Analytical psychology (commonly referred to as Jungian psychology). The personal unconscious and collective unconscious are two levels of consciousness in his model of the psyche. It is called our unconscious for a reason, we are not aware of it. Information is transmitted from the unconscious to the conscious mind through dreams, synchronicities, projections, slips of the tongue, etc. Snippets of the unconscious can also be accessed through meditation.

When you meditate and connect with the whale, you can visualize them taking you on a journey down to the depths of the ocean (remember to imagine wearing an oxygen tank or magically being able to breathe underwater). This is a metaphor for traversing the layers of consciousness down to the personal and collective unconscious. Ask your psyche some questions and allow the whale to deliver that information.

Here are some ideas for things you can ask the whale spirit guide in meditation:

What is holding me back?

What do I need to release?

What do I need to see/hear/feel/know?

What are some of my strengths and soul gifts that I am not recognizing?

How can I better serve humanity and Spirit?

What does the world need and how can I help?

You can also think of it as asking your higher self/soul/spirit, or your spirit team. Let your intuition guide you and ask whatever you feel called to ask. Trust what you comes to you in forms of images, feelings, sounds, and knowing. 

Happy meditating,

Kimberly Lakein